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Function-Focused Hypno-Psycotherapy, Psychotherapy In Another Key

By Peter George & Deborah George



Table of Contents 5-11 Contents listed down to level 3 paragraphs A Detailed TOC, which together with the Table of Figures at the back of the Volume, replaces an Index.
Foreword 12-21 Introduction to the basis of Function-focused Hypno-psychotherapy. Origins and Clinical development. Advances in Neuro-science are clarifying the role of ‘’Talk” therapy.
PART I- Foundations of Clinical Practice with Function Focused Hypno-psychotherapy (FFH-P).

Chapters 1 -17

22-172 Evolution of Therapeutic Hypnosis; Relevant Psychotherapies ; Psycho-pathology; Model of the Mind; Evolutionary Aspects of Survival; Talk therapy; Suggestion Therapy; Session Flow Charts; Global &Unique Interventions; Hypno-meditation; Sub-personalities, Parts Therapy; Cognitive & Behavioural Re-construction. Individuals are Unique. Certain Psychotherapy techniques are relevant to each dysfunction and are enhanced when Hypnotic language structures are used as an adjunct.
PART II- Some Clinical Application of FFH-P.

Chapters 18 -29

173 - 267 Anxiety disorders; Depression; Stress Disorders; Self & Transpersonal Development; Obsessive Compulsive disorder; Relationships in Crisis; Pain Management; Weight Loss; Psycho-biology of Healing; Treating Trauma in Children; Treating ASD in Children. An overview of the Function-focused Hypno-psychotherapy approach with Clinical applications.
PART III- Some basic Trancework approaches in FFH-P

Chapter 30

Sections 30.1 – 30.25

268 - 331 STOP & RE-DIRECT: SAFE & Peaceful Place; Mindful Enhancement of Awareness; Response Sets; Behavioural Rehearsal; The Body Scan; Dis-identification; Emotional regulation; Pin-point Regression; Cognitive re-construction; Miracle question; Evoking & Developing a Desired Quality; The Rose; Wisdom Questions; The Wise Old being; The Power Animal; Chakra-based Energy Management; Generalised Pain Script; The Ubiquitous Filing Cabinet; Unfished Business; Promotion of Amnesia; Free Association; Free Association; BCHAPS; Time Distortion, Therapist Protection. Function-focused Hypno-psychotherapy Approaches employing Suggestion Therapy.
Chapter 31-A Selected Bibliography of EBT Hypnotherapy applications 333 -339 66 References to Evidence-based uses of Hypno-psychotherapy.  
Chapter 32-Abstracts of Efficacy of Hypnosis in defined areas 340 - 350 Abstracts from the selected Bibliography covering 18 areas.  
Appendix I-Chakra-based Energy Management Script 352 -359 A detailed Trancework  Script.  
Table of Figures 361 - 362 The location (page) relating to each of 88 Figures in the Text.  
NOTE- All Citations   Throughout the Volume, page by page where referred to. All cited References and notes are footnotes.